I am so happy to announce that my blog, Pixurai II's GoodGame Empire Blog, is the number one blog about GoodGame Empire (in English at least). How do I know this? If you search "goodgame empire blog" or even search a topic in GoodGame Empire that I have blogged about, such as "goodgame empire outpost," and my blog will appear on the first page most of the time. Sometimes, my blog is even the third search result, right under the GoodGame Empire website and the GoodGame Empire forums website. Surprisingly, this is the first blog I've ever done (not including academic blogs forced on me in school), so I'm really proud and would like to thank all of my readers for reading my posts and supporting me with every single one of your views on my blog.
Even though this is my first blog, I still want to try something new, which includes having multiple people help me with my blog so that I can get more posts and more information for readers of my blog. I will be creating a tab above for anyone who would like to help my blog as an author. Of course, I don't have anything to give or any way to pay anyone who wants to help me (including myself). So at least for now, people who want to become authors won't be able to receive any salary or anything, but I myself don't receive any money from this blog either. For anyone who wants to help with this blog, please email me at pixurai2gameblog@gmail.com. Lastly, I am about to launch an editing session, where I am going to look through all of the blog posts that I have typed for this blog and I am going to edit them to remove the grammar mistakes and confusing sentences that I often find. For the next week or so, I won't be posting a lot of posts, only the ones that are urgent or important, so that I can spend my time making my old posts better.
After that terrible leader of PATRIOT kicked my out of his alliance, I decided that I would never join another alliance. Instead, I would create my own. So that's exactly what I did. My alliance is called Dragon Blade, which for some reason isn't taken yet, which shows how little number of alliances exist in the game. I've already have one recruit to my alliance, even though she says she's only 10 years old. She does kind of act as though she's ten, with her ignorance of many of this game's features and strategies and the way she chats. Anyways, if any of the readers of my blog would want to join my alliance, simply message me. Like all other alliances, I made requirements for joining my alliance, which are you need an outpost (same thing as saying you need to be level 13) and you need to pay a daily taxes of 500 wood, 500 stone, or 50 coins. The tax thing might change, but I don't plan on following the footsteps of the terrible leader of PATRIOT and keep rising the required level. I've built a ton of Dwellings, my total population is close to 300, so I can rebuild my army in a few days even if that bug appeared again and I loss my entire army. No one is attacking me, so I am able to safely and steadily level up
(Resource required to unlock EW are 7000 iron; 7000 wood; 5000 food and 5000 coin. The rest above have been added for your basic survival)
2. Minimum 50 defense soldiers and 200 Attack soldiers. You will regret if you don't have them and there is no way to recover.
TIP: Try to enter EW when it is your holiday and you can play continuous 10-12 hours and maybe it is not a weekend, so that other players are not playing that day and they don't take away your resource villages. Not a bad idea to play at Indian Night time, as very few players are online at that time.
This is my Castle: (Below)
Ice Fortress Espionage Report
As we know our most of members are more than level 25 so i will not describe EW more because they already know about it........
Graphics are cartoony and easy on the eye. The interface is a little clunky but most of the basic stuff is intuitive to use. Make sure you click on all the buttons on your main screen at a some stage as you might discover as I did after a few weeks of playing that there are alliances and a chat system in-game
Even though this is my first blog, I still want to try something new, which includes having multiple people help me with my blog so that I can get more posts and more information for readers of my blog. I will be creating a tab above for anyone who would like to help my blog as an author. Of course, I don't have anything to give or any way to pay anyone who wants to help me (including myself). So at least for now, people who want to become authors won't be able to receive any salary or anything, but I myself don't receive any money from this blog either. For anyone who wants to help with this blog, please email me at pixurai2gameblog@gmail.com. Lastly, I am about to launch an editing session, where I am going to look through all of the blog posts that I have typed for this blog and I am going to edit them to remove the grammar mistakes and confusing sentences that I often find. For the next week or so, I won't be posting a lot of posts, only the ones that are urgent or important, so that I can spend my time making my old posts better.
After that terrible leader of PATRIOT kicked my out of his alliance, I decided that I would never join another alliance. Instead, I would create my own. So that's exactly what I did. My alliance is called Dragon Blade, which for some reason isn't taken yet, which shows how little number of alliances exist in the game. I've already have one recruit to my alliance, even though she says she's only 10 years old. She does kind of act as though she's ten, with her ignorance of many of this game's features and strategies and the way she chats. Anyways, if any of the readers of my blog would want to join my alliance, simply message me. Like all other alliances, I made requirements for joining my alliance, which are you need an outpost (same thing as saying you need to be level 13) and you need to pay a daily taxes of 500 wood, 500 stone, or 50 coins. The tax thing might change, but I don't plan on following the footsteps of the terrible leader of PATRIOT and keep rising the required level. I've built a ton of Dwellings, my total population is close to 300, so I can rebuild my army in a few days even if that bug appeared again and I loss my entire army. No one is attacking me, so I am able to safely and steadily level up
s soon as you get to level 25, you will be able to get into Ever winter glacier (Let's call it EW, it is shorter). Now few things you need to keep in mind.
1. Have extra Iron and wood 10000, coin and food 15000
OR 1500 Rubies + 5000 food & coins, 3000 Iron & wood.
That is the cost to enter the EW + Your basic survival strategy.(Resource required to unlock EW are 7000 iron; 7000 wood; 5000 food and 5000 coin. The rest above have been added for your basic survival)
2. Minimum 50 defense soldiers and 200 Attack soldiers. You will regret if you don't have them and there is no way to recover.
Let me explain: In EW, the game allows you to capture 5 food villages and maybe 5 wood and stone villages, I am not sure as even I cannot capture any more of them. Stone and wood villages are rare, food is abundant. If you do not have enough attack soldiers or resources to support them, other players will take over all the resource villages that were generated for you and you will have nothing else than Food villages.
3. Enter EW when you have all the things mentioned above and Select North as your location,that is where all of us will be. As soon as you reach EW, build a Loot Warehouse (Costs around 3500 wood and stone with building time of approx 9 hours.). Build a loot warehouse.
Now immediately send troops and supplies to EW. (It takes them 2 hours to travel but you can make it instant by paying 228 rubies.) If you pay rubies good, otherwise start building food supplies at EW castle.
Now immediately send troops and supplies to EW. (It takes them 2 hours to travel but you can make it instant by paying 228 rubies.) If you pay rubies good, otherwise start building food supplies at EW castle.
4. As soon as you get your troops, immediately start attacking the resource villages, Do not send an attack out less than 120 soldiers. Start with Stone and wood and lastly food. Food is abundant. Maybe you can add 1 or 2 food to begin with. But keep in mind that you should get maximum of your resource villages on day 1, otherwise other players will take resource villages that were generated for you.
5. Build the barracks in EW and start building defensive units. Build the Defense workshop and start building defense Tools.
6. When you acquire a Village, recall your attack army to your main castle except 1 soldier, leave 1 soldier there as otherwise the village can be occupied by someone else and at the same time send defense units to that village. 10 defense units, melee and ranged should be ideal, add some defense tools also.
5. Build the barracks in EW and start building defensive units. Build the Defense workshop and start building defense Tools.
6. When you acquire a Village, recall your attack army to your main castle except 1 soldier, leave 1 soldier there as otherwise the village can be occupied by someone else and at the same time send defense units to that village. 10 defense units, melee and ranged should be ideal, add some defense tools also.
This is my Castle: (Below)
Ice Fortress Espionage Report
You better have good reason for attacking castles. Don't attack for nothing. And, attacking just because of "he assaulted first" is not a good excuse, and may cause serious headaches after.
1. Plunder : At levels below 20, attacking for plunder (including gold) is a good reason. This will help you upgrade your castle quickly. But after level 20, the gainings start not be worthy to attack because you already start to produce more wood, stone, food and gold.
2. Tournaments : Another good reason is the tournaments. In personal tournaments, ending up in the first 100 is not so hard. I already have been two times (at levels 25 and 28 I guess) and the benefits are great. Even if you don't reach 100th, there is still the chance that you get the attendence rewards.
3. Dark One(?) : The dark one's offer is tempting, too. She suggest 1000 gold and 100 rubies per attack to the castles she addresses for a period of time. The more you attack in that time, more you gain gold and rubies. Don't miss this chance and attack as many castles as you can. And there is the chance to chance the addressed castle for 30(?) rubies.
4. Honor and glory :
5. Convincing :
6. Combination :
s I mentioned in my Kingdom Rush mini-review a couple of weeks back I have played Goodgame Studio’s Empire game quite a bit over the last few weeks. This is my first browser game I have played for more than a few minutes. Normally by this time i’m closing the game down (or in this case closing the browser tab) and writing the game off as just a lot of repetitive clicking. Goodgame Empire is a bit different.
Goodgame Empire is a browser base castle building game where you build things in real-time. No it doesn’t take two years of real-time to build your castle wall, but it does take some time for it to complete. What this means is you don’t spend much time actually playing the game. I tend to log in the morning and collect taxes, read any messages and start building. Then I log out. I might come back at lunch time and check progress, etc. Each time i’m logged in for 5-10 minutes only before I go on my merry way. This makes it a great game for people with limited time to play for whatever reason.

You accumulate resources such as wood, stone and food over time and then spend this building stuff and feeding your population and army. There is some limited functionality for sending resources to others and therefore trading. Goodgame Studios have also recently introduced outposts, which are like mini castles you can capture and build up from scratch.
Its not all random building though. You receive quests, which are the only way to get experience, and they direct you to build certain building. Gaining experience means gaining levels. Gaining levels means more types of building and better soldiers to recruit.
Besides building stuff you also recruit armies and build siege equipment. This means, of course, you can make use of this for attacking other players. The combat itself is automatically resolved, but the setup and combat reports are complex enough to be interesting without being daunting. Beating up other players gives you honour (a strange name for it IMO). Ranking within the game is based on this honour.
Overall i’d give this 7/10 and recommend this game to those who are time poor or instinctive turtlers. The interface could use some love but still a decent game.
Gobble gobble.
you want to play googame empire click on this link goodgame empire
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